Mobile low-cost digitizing of vintage films
23.07.2024 – Sofia, Bulgaria
About the conference
The International Conference “Mobile low-cost digitizing of vintage films” presented the state of the art initiatives in the area of low-cost digitization of vintage films, the value in the so-called home film formats such as 8mm, Super 8, VHS etc. The conference presented also the MobiReel project, the project results and developed resources. Furthermore the conference joined notable experts in the field who shared valuable experience with home film and video formats research, digitization and preservation. To accompany the event, an exhibition featuring an array of vintage film projectors and movie cameras has also been organized. The exhibition presented the history of the the film media throughout the years. Some emblematic brands of consumer/home film and video formats have been showcased (8mm, Super 8, 9.5mm, 16mm, VHS, SVHS, Betamax etc.), Bolex, Eumig, Nizo, Zeiss Ikon, Pleven, Rus and other brands, playing significant role in documenting the cultural history, have been included in the exhibition as well. A Collection of reports from the MobiReel International conference is published and available for download.
Date: 23.07.2024
Location: Sofia, Buglaria

Venue: National Students House, ground floor
Speaking language: English
Conference programme
Page contents
Mobile low-cost digitizing of vintage films – Collection of reports from the MobiReel International conference 23.07.2024

Attendance of the conference is free. If you are interested to join during the conference as a viewer, please reserve your seat via this form. Note that for presentors, the Deadline for submitting the presentation abstracts is June 20th 2024
Speakers & topics
Superottimisti Archive – valorization projects and creative reuses of home movies
Giulio Pedretti and Giulia Carbonero Giulio Pedretti: President of Superottimisti Archive. Giulia Carbonero Vice President of Superottimisti Archive Bio: Giulio […]
Protection and reliable storage of digital data
Kaloyan Zdravkov Head of IT department – Petko R. Slaveykov Regional Library – Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria Bio: Head of IT […]
Protection and reliable storage of digital data
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kalina Ivanova Director – Petko R. Slaveykov Regional Library – Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria Bio: Assoc.Prof, PhD and […]
Microfiche stitching and digitised document processing
Merlijn B. W. Wajer Internet Archive, Digitisation Engineer Bio: Merlijn Wajer currently works with the Internet Archive on digitising material […]
Workflow for digitization and restauration of the film.
Mr. Răzvan Ungureanu Bio: Film and Television faculty graduate. Mr. Răzvan Ungureanu has 27 years experience in television ( director, […]
The history of amateurfilm
Heidi Fial Filmarchiv Austria / Analog Restauration, Digitization, Amateurfilm Collections Bio: Manual filmrestauration and digitization in the Filmarchiv Austria, silentfilmmusic […]
Small-gauge films in large institutions – challenges and achievements in digitizing the home movie collection at Deutsche Kinemathek
Paul Marie Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek – Trainee analogue collection management Bio: Paul Marie is a film archivist working as a […]
Low-cost digitization of private film and video archives
Dr. eng. Rosen Petkov, Student Computer Art Society (SCAS, scas.bg) Bio: Chairman of Student Computer Art Society, digitation expert and […]
Amateur film formats in professional films
Vladimir Angelov Film Agency of RNM, director Bio: He graduated at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Skopje in 1992 […]
Standards for recording preservation
Leonardo Chiariglione MPAI, President and Chairman of the Board Bio: Leonardo Chiariglione obtained his MS degree from the Polytechnic of […]
Colouring films with AI
Nina Vogels Archivist at Regional Archives Sittard-Geleen / Archief De Domijnen Bio: During a double bachelor at Utrecht University (Celtic […]
The film as a source: how we can view a historical film as a historical source
René Haustermans ReCultura, owner Bio: René Haustermans (Sittard, 1977) is a musician, theologian and writer. Within the heritage sector, René […]
The transitions of film throughout history
MSc. Damjana Patcheva Cinematheque of North Macedonia- Filmologist Bio: Damjana Patcheva is a senior film Archivist at the Department for […]
The importance of film cataloguing
Prof. Miranda Ala Rechi Cinematheque of North Macedonia- Filmologyst Bio: Miranda Ala Rechi was born in Skopje, The Republic of […]
Best practice low cost film digitization: business considerations
Mr. Andrea de Polo Saibanti Zeutschel GmbH, Consultant Bio: An experienced R&D project and information technology manager with inspirational conceptual […]
For conference speakers
Speakers registration form
Guidelines for speakers
Timeframe for each presentation is up to 20 mins. with questions from the audience.
After completing the registration form, expect an e-mail from the organizers.
It is required that the presentations shown during the conference use the Presentation template provided on the right.
Resources for speakers
Practical information
National Student House
Address: Sofia Center, pl. “Narodno sabranie” 10, 1000 Sofia
Hall: Central exhibition hall, foyer
Ground floor
Attendance of the conference is free, but viewers need to fill in the registration form prior.
Boryana Savova – bsavova@scas.bg
Conference proceedings

Exhibition of vintage cameras, projectors and tape recorders has been organized in parallel to the International Conference of the Erasmus+ MobiReel project. Some emblematic brands of consumer/home film and video formats have been showcased (8mm, Super 8, 9.5mm, 16mm, VHS, SVHS, Betamax etc.). Bolex, Eumig, Nizo, Zeiss Ikon, Pleven, Rus and other brands, playing significant role in documenting the cultural history, have been included in the exhibition.