The film as a source: how we can view a historical film as a historical source

René Haustermans

ReCultura, owner

Bio: René Haustermans (Sittard, 1977) is a musician, theologian and writer. Within the heritage sector, René is mainly concerned with socially applied heritage. His main focus is on ethnology, music culture and audiovisual archives. René tries to look at heritage from various angles, especially meaning and how this can be relevant or made relevant in the present time.

Topic: René Haustermans has worked a lot with audiovisual materials already and has been part of a project on collecting films. He will talk about the film as a source: how we can view a historical film as a historical source and how these sources can be used in historical research, audience participation, contextualization and as an accessible trigger. While paintings and documents from the past usually show a glimpse of the elite, photo and film show the lives of everyone.



