The Project

MobiReelMobile low-cost digitizing of vintage films

The project

The Erasmus+ project Mobile low-cost digitizing of vintage films (MobiReel) is a collaborative initiative that aims to address the significant challenges faced by libraries, archives, and other cultural heritage institutions in digitizing, preserving and promoting their digitized film collections with a focus in so called home film and video formats (8mm, Super 8, VHS, SVHS etc.). One of the major challenges faced by these institutions is the lack of training materials and resources for digitizing and viewing these collections. Through this project, the partnership aims to explore and address these challenges by creating training materials for small organizations to digitize and promote their collections, focusing on customer/home film and video formats, leveraging the expertise and resources of all partners involved in the project.

Don’t miss any MobiReel updates about the educational resources, project events, opportunities, information about partner meetings and multiplier events on our Facebook.

Main objectives

  • improving the capacity of archivists, librarians, restorers, collectors and collections owners of so called “home/consumer level movie” archives how to digitize with low-cost technology their motion picture films with focus on consumer film formats (8mm, Super 8, 16mm) and consumer-level videotapes (VHS, S-VHS, Betamax) via producing set of Continuing VET (CVET) training materials. The materials will be open, flexible and free;
  • improving the possibilities for additional training in the area of low cost films/tapes digitization via offering content structured as Units of Learning Outcomes using ECVET;
  • improving the capacity of archivists, librarians, restorers, collectors and collections owners of home movie archives how to maintain analogue and digital materials;
  • improving the capacity of archivists, librarians, restorers, collectors and collections owners of home/consumer level movie archives how to restore analogue and digital materials (or at least to perform some simple fixing or saving procedures);
  • improving the knowledge and skills of the target group how to present attractively the digitized artifacts in front of wider audience.

Target groups

  • archivists working in archives and centers with collections;
  • librarians working with movie collections;
  • restorers working in movie archives, libraries or museums;
  • collectors who have private collections of movies or family movie archives;
  • experts in companies or organizations working in movie digitization field.


  • Methodology for selection and low-cost digitization of home movie formats for digitization integrated in Competence framework and elaboration of Units of Learning outcomes. Training content related to low-cost movie digitization is structured as Units/Modules and offers flexible learning paths;
  • Learning Management System (LMS) with Units of Learning Outcomes and additional multimedia resources related to low-cost digitization of motion picture films with focus on so called home/consumer film formats (8mm, Super 8, 16mm) and consumer-level videotapes (VHS, S-VHS, Betamax);
  • Training videos on focus topics related to low-cost digitization and consumer level movie formats;
  • Training, multiplier events and international conference in the sphere of low-cost digitization of consumer level motion picture films and videotapes.

Some photos from MobiReel events:

More photos and information could be explored on the project Facebook page.


Student Computer Art Society /SCAS/ – Project coordinator

Stichting De Domijnen – The Netherlands

Kinoteka na
Republika Severna

Petko R. Slaveykov Regional Library, Veliko Tarnovo – Bulgaria

Zeutschel GmbH


Project coordinator – Student Computer Art Society /SCAS/Rosen Petkov
Boryana Savova
10 Narodno sabranie sq, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
tel: +359 2 9870293;